The Nuts & Bolts of Making Your Website Make You Money

Deliver Your Unique And Powerful Message To Your Niche

Developing a High-Powered Marketing Machine/h3>

Meet Your Mentor Coach

Jackie Black, Ph.D., BCC

Certified Coach and CCP Mentor Coach

Whether you only work locally or you work with clients all around the world, website marketing is one of the crucial pieces of your leveraged, broad-based marketing plan.

Integrating the essential marketing principles on your website is vital for your long-term success. 

Week Course Length

Minutes/Week Teleclasses

Hours of Self Study

Class Details

Learning Objectives

  • Make a Website Your Virtual Business Card
  • Developing a High-Powered Marketing Machine
  • Communicate compelling benefit statements in your website copy.
  • Realize the Potential of Your Website Beyond its Design Aesthetics
  • Find out where the expensive real estate is on your Home Page and what to do with it.
  • Learn the “Must Have” Marketing Principles
  • Position key marketing elements to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Design a Website that Works AND Works for You

The key is a thorough knowledge of marketing, NOT graphic design. The most beautiful website that doesn’t include the “must-have” marketing principles is just a beautiful website without the required function for success.

Training Benefits and Applications

  • Engage and warm up cold prospects.
  • Move leads through your website marketing funnel while you build your relationships with them.
  • Deliver massive value at every point of contact, placing Opt-in Gifts strategically.
  • Watch prospects get closer and closer to becoming your ideal, long-term clients.
  • Develop valuable, long-term referral resources.
  • Build solid, long-term relationships with your niche.
  • Enjoy the rich rewards of a full coaching business.
  • Use specific strategies to create a comprehensive marketing funnel that will be the workhorse of your long-term marketing plan.
  • Hear live feedback about real websites and finally make sense out of all the fear-based hype you hear out there.


The Nuts and Bolts of Making Your Website Make You Money is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as 4 Continuing Coach Education Units in the category of Resource Development.

The International Coach Federation and Coach Training Alliance adhere to a form of coaching that honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work, and believes that every client is creative, resourceful, and whole

Standing on this foundation, the coach's responsibility is to:

  • Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
  • Encourage client self-discovery
  • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
  • Hold the client responsible and accountable

Refund Policy

money-back-guaranteeYou may cancel without penalty if the request is received at least 7 days before the course begins. If you cancel 7 days prior to the course start date, we'll refund the tuition paid. No refunds are made after class begins. 

Requests must be made in writing, postmarked and mailed to:

Coach Training Alliance
217 West Olive St.
Ft. Collins, CO 80521