Life Long Learning

Your coaching skills should be continually be refined.
Take advantage of our Free resources for Life Long Learning!


Advanced trainings and more.


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Examples of masterful coaching and review.


Powerful readings and books.


Build and Grow Your Practice

  • Marketing Your Coaching Practice – Applications of Influence Psychology, Science and Neuromarketing
  • Workshop-in-a-Box – Learn to deliver workshops to build your coaching practice
  • Authoring Your First Book – A systematic, structured way to write for effective and successful results
  • Social Media and Online Presence – coming 2024
  • Coaching Groups – Start and coach groups – coming 2024

Deepen and Advance Your Coaching Skills 

What Other Grads are Saying…

Human Capital Consultant (IT)

The most impactful take-away for me were..The tools on how to implement a formal internal coaching program for my organization; creating the undeniable benefit statement, and setting the stage.  Efforts are now in place to formalize our program, based on the tools we were given with this course.

Deputy Dir. Of Service Operations

This new skill will not only empower me to help my organization achieve its vision and mission, but also make me a better leader and mentor as I can now better assist my staff or peers further their own personal growth as well as professional.

Strategy Consultant

My previous roles were about giving direction and advising; my way, my opinion, my expertise.  I have learned that coaching is an effective way to get a person from Point A to Point B and letting people be part of the process.  While I may still advise and direct, the class transformed my ability to co-creatively involved others in the process.  When I am willing and able to do this, we reach a better outcome.  We are greater than the sum of our parts.

HR Business Partner

I learned how to mentally prepare myself for coaching conversations…  I am a better coach when I do this, more connected to clients, [able to] serve them better.  The class also helped me start asking more powerful questions and reminded me to validate the client during the coaching sessions.. this was critical to my co-creative relationships.


Life presents many coachable moments, both professionally and otherwise.  It has strengthened relationships, made me more aware of opportunities to coach.

State Government

My greatest takeaway was developing the ability to ask better questions, having a model in my head that allows me to better structure my conversations, asking powerful questions.

Strategy Consultant

I now am able to “be encouraging and inviting to help others… instead of solving problems I can guide others by asking questions which facilitates their own thought processes.  Biggest AHA and biggest challenge:  I wanted to try to help/solve – that is not the most effective way to do it.

IT Training

This course is about being a change leader in business.. and looking at growth and development differently…  I also appreciate being able to change myself.


This is not a course about information; it’s a course that transforms the way you think and lead.  I learned a new and different way to have conversations with people.


Not Sure Which Niche to Focus on?

The possibilities are limitless. Coach Training Alliance can help you determine if coaching is right for you and what areas are best for you to focus on. View our suggested niches below and discover which one you want to focus on.