Life Long Learning

Your coaching skills should be continually be refined.
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Build and Grow Your Practice

  • Marketing Your Coaching Practice – Applications of Influence Psychology, Science and Neuromarketing
  • Workshop-in-a-Box – Learn to deliver workshops to build your coaching practice
  • Authoring Your First Book – A systematic, structured way to write for effective and successful results
  • Social Media and Online Presence – coming 2024
  • Coaching Groups – Start and coach groups – coming 2024

Deepen and Advance Your Coaching Skills 

What Other Grads are Saying…

Coaching Career Transitions Graduate

Deborah’s teaching style is both engaging and open–she’s very willing to share her years of experience with all who will listen! The follow-up notes to her classes are extremely helpful and allows for full participation in the class while it is happening!

Coaching Career Transitions Graduate

Thank you Deborah! Your expertise, leadership and passion make learning an engaging experience. I feel so positive and clear about developing my own career coaching practice, it’s exciting. Not only do you offer a wealth of knowledge and effective teaching style, you are approachable and confident, who better to learn from. I look forward to future training with you, please keep me in touch with further coach classes. I love your style and perspective!

Coaching Career Transitions Graduate

I really did enjoy taking your class. I loved that it was filled with content and you taught us (although the coaching opportunities that came up were also great to hear and added to my learning!)”

Leslie Horkin

Tonight was the first night of Dr. David Krueger’s 4 week Seminar …what a great seminar this is going to be. Some of it felt a little over my head…but the Quantum Physics part was really cool! It’s good to know CTA has more courses to keep us going when our class ends.

Fortune Magazine

Asked for a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the coaching they got, managers described an average return of more than $100,000, or about six times what the coaching had cost their companies.

F. Turner

A study featured in Public Personnel Management Journal reports that managers that underwent a managerial training program showed an increased productivity of 22.4%. However, a second group was provided coaching following the training process and their productivity increased by 88%. Research does demonstrate that one-on-one executive coaching is of value.

Warren Bennis

In the fields I have studied, emotional intelligence is much more powerful than IQ in determining who emerges as a leader. IQ is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t make you a star. Emotional Intelligence can.

R.C., CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program Graduate

I didn’t know that I would enjoy working with all of what goes on in a divorce; the stress, the anger, the breakdowns. What I learned from my clients is how valuable having a divorce coach is for them.
When a person in divorce seeks to have a thinking conversation about their situation, they may typically think of their attorney who may be busy and can’t see them right now – maybe in two or three weeks from now. It is not the attorney’s fault for being busy and scheduled, it is just how it is. So people resort to talking with family members, friends, and/or co-workers who may or may not enjoy those conversations. Many a family member has sent their divorcing relative to me because they needed an accessible thinking partner. That is what a divorce coach is, an accessible thinking partner.


So all the concerns I had about being a divorce coach did not materialize. They were not there. I was making them up. What happened was a discovery that there is an overwhelming need for coaching and the beneficial impact coaching is having on my clients.

A. Adams

Nan, I have nothing but lovely things to say about this class. I thought your class was inspiring and well administered. I appreciate the booklet that came with it, loved the exercises and found it did strengthen me and bring focus, which was my desired outcome.


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