Life Long Learning

Your coaching skills should be continually be refined.
Take advantage of our Free resources for Life Long Learning!


Advanced trainings and more.


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Examples of masterful coaching and review.


Powerful readings and books.


Build and Grow Your Practice

  • Marketing Your Coaching Practice – Applications of Influence Psychology, Science and Neuromarketing
  • Workshop-in-a-Box – Learn to deliver workshops to build your coaching practice
  • Authoring Your First Book – A systematic, structured way to write for effective and successful results
  • Social Media and Online Presence – coming 2024
  • Coaching Groups – Start and coach groups – coming 2024

Deepen and Advance Your Coaching Skills 

What Other Grads are Saying…

Saint Teresa

“The life of God within us.” It is thought that our spirit resides in the center of our bodies near our hearts. Sometimes we refer to it as our heart, receiving messages from there that have the power to awaken our aliveness – “in my heart I know…”

Ann Backes

I expected support and encouragement, but not at this high level. It has been very rewarding.

Gail Mason

The part of the course I like the best and that is helping me build my practice the most, so far, is the course software. It is very well done and useful. I like the examples, resources, sample brochures, etc.

Brenda Louis Kitchener

This is a fantastic program. You guys have all the bases covered. I loved that this program covered everything from learning how to coach to staring your own business and everything in between. No other course that I researched offered all of this.

Mary Alyce Owens

The ‘coach the coach’ sessions and the feedback from those are the heart of the program. Coaching live is where the learning is for me. It builds my confidence and believability.

Lisa Aker

Knowing I have to face the group each week keeps me motivated to stay on top of assignments and make sure I am prepared. I so look forward to each week’s class because it is a solid hour of positive thinking and feedback./

Loree M. Paulson

Overall [the Certified Coach Program] really has everything I was looking for. It is a good blend of handling the business and marketing aspects of coaching along with developing the right skills and tools. Of all the classes and investigation I did this course always came right back on top.

Blanca Stephens

It’s liberating to know I can apply the principles learned without giving up my own creative signature (approach) in the process.

Thommy Thomas, Ph.D.

Coaching is a professional service providing clients with feedback, insights, and guidance from an outside vantage point. The profession of coaching is similar to the practice of a physician, attorney, or psychologist.


Not Sure Which Niche to Focus on?

The possibilities are limitless. Coach Training Alliance can help you determine if coaching is right for you and what areas are best for you to focus on. View our suggested niches below and discover which one you want to focus on.