The Life Coaching Blog 

What Are The Benefits Of Coaching Groups?

What Are The Benefits Of Coaching Groups?

As you know, one-on-one coaching is not the best way to leverage your time or your earning potential as a coach. Plus, in these economic times, not everyone can afford […]

How Do You Listen?

How Do You Listen?

Many people define listening as sitting quietly, while another person talks. Most are surprised to learn that listening is actually a 2-way, circular process. Effective Life Coaches understand the listening […]

The Answer is Group Life Coaching

The Answer is Group Life Coaching

The Question Is…      What is a legitimate coaching business model, that only takes the same marketing effort as one new one-to-one client, that leverages your time and your […]

Our Life Stories

Our Life Stories

For tens of thousands of years before books and computers, we transmitted our essence and principles by story. Story linked to the past, organized the present, and illuminated the future. […]

Gratitude: Rooting Present

Gratitude: Rooting Present

by Chris Osborn I have been thrilled to see this month the gratitude movement finding voice in social media and across communities. As coaches, we know firsthand both the power […]

High Touch Marketing

High Touch Marketing

High touch marketing is an important part of promoting any invisible product, especially coaching. What is high touch marketing? Personal Direct Experiential Interactive Looking deeper, high touch marketing is allowing […]

Staying Present

Staying Present

by Chris Osborn Coaches often share with me the struggle of maintaining the duality of “present”. That is, the challenge of staying simultaneously present themselves as they co-creatively work to […]

Can a Person of Faith…

Can a Person of Faith…

…Assimilate Law of Attraction Principles with Personal Religious Beliefs? by Nan Einarson Universal Law of Attraction is a proven scientific principle: Thoughts have energies – positive and negative thoughts have […]

Target Marketing for Life Coaching Niches

Target Marketing for Life Coaching Niches

by Nan Einarson Coach Training Alliance teaches Coaches to define niche markets (“Who” and “What”) as specialties, based on personal experience, knowledge, and passion, and to develop leveraged, targeted, life […]

Your Professional Coaching Fees

Your Professional Coaching Fees

by David Krueger, MD Fees are often one of the most challenging aspects of practice for Professional Coaches. Issues can include inexperience in setting and collecting professional fees, fear of […]

Learn More About Intellectual Property

Learn More About Intellectual Property

by Dr. Jackie Black Intellectual Property (IP) is just a fancy way to identify your good ideas that would be helpful and valuable to others. And explains that IP […]

Essence of Your Business

Essence of Your Business

by Dave Krueger, M.D. What’s your promise?    The answer: Your brand. Your brand is an organizer for everything you do, for every connection with potential clients and readers, including […]