The Life Coaching Blog 

Leadership that can Change the World!

Leadership that can Change the World!

Think about all the leaders you know, who among that group is a leader who can and does change their world, change their businesses, change their communities, and families?  Have you come up with a name or two or three? John Maxwell is quoted as saying this: “If...

What Does It Mean to Be In Transition?

What Does It Mean to Be In Transition?

During these past summer months, I have been deep into researching, reading, and writing about “Life Transitions” and all that transitions entail.  If you have been a client of mine in the past you know I frequently call this: “Surfing Lava.”  It will be no...

Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision

Coaching supervision offers coaches an opportunity to access continuous professional development through reflection and dialogue in a safe, supportive and confidential space. If we look closer at the word...

2019 Year-End Review

2019 Year-End Review

Don’t look now, but 2020 is upon us!  Can you believe it?  What an exciting time to be alive and to be in business!!  Are you excited?  You sure should be!  Things are changing, and opportunities are everywhere.  Now is the time to take...

Things I Am Glad I Realized Early When Building My Coaching Business

Things I Am Glad I Realized Early When Building My Coaching Business

As a mentor coach, I often meet new and aspiring coaches. It is wonderful to see our community grow and give access to coaching in wider circles. Through the years, I have had plenty of opportunities to mirror myself in their struggles, and I realize there are a few...

How to be a Life Coach for Millennials

How to be a Life Coach for Millennials

Author: Christina Stathopoulos, PCC. A reblog from ICF. Millennials are about to make up over half of the world’s workforce. Being able to effectively coach them will become paramount to the sustainability of any coach’s practice. And, overgeneralizing the common...

5 Tips to Be an Expert at Time Management

5 Tips to Be an Expert at Time Management

Do you have too much to do and too little time? Of course! Time Management is one of the most common forms of stress that professional people experience, with too much to do and not enough time. It’s called “time poverty” and it’s the biggest single problem facing...

5 Tips for Proper Time Management

5 Tips for Proper Time Management

*This is a re-blog from, by author Jim Rohn Let me give you some thoughts on time management. Here is a list of things you should consider to make the most of your time: 1. Run the day or it will run you. Part of the key to time management is just staying...

Set Smart Boundaries with Coaching Prospects and Clients

Set Smart Boundaries with Coaching Prospects and Clients

Author: Rhonda Hess I’ve been a life long student of boundaries. That is to say, boundaries have been a core issue for me in the past and now it’s much less of an issue. When I sense myself leaning in too far, trying to do too much, to people please or over-deliver, I...

8 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Any Client Anytime

8 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Any Client Anytime

These are powerful questions that are standard in the coaches toolbox. The right question can really help anyone zoom past obstacles and into a power zone of awareness and action on their own behalf. That’s why questions are so valuable to coaches and in coaching. So...