Who Should Attend These Classes?

CCP graduates (or those who have completed an equivalent ICF credentialed coach training certification). Individuals new to Leadership Coaching and/or individuals who have done informal executive coaching and would like a structure to help them with their work.


Leadership Coaching Certification and Executive Coach Certification

Build a successful coaching practice with our suite of Executive and Leadership coach training programs

Free seminar!

Watch the Executive Coaching discussion, “The Role of the Executive Coach” and how to get started.



Are you brand new to coaching? If so, this is where you begin!


Executive Coaching Workshop

Grad Class (2 weeks) Getting hired as an Executive coach and working with leadership teams.

Coming Soon

Advanced Executive Coach Certification

For established and emerging leadership coaches. Using a process to do the work of an Executive  Coach.

Coming Soon


Executive Coach Master ClaSS

Runs Quarterly. How do you keep skills sharp? Need help handling difficult situations? 

Coming Q2 2021!