Until The Cyber Monday Sale Ends!

Everything You Need To Become a Successful CoachGuaranteed

Like a 3 legged stool – if any one of these crucial elements are missing – your business will be wobbly… Becoming a good coach takes practice and time to hone the craft. If you are the person that people come to for advice – you are probably coaching now – you just don’t know it (or get paid for it). Starting a business has it’s unique challenges, from “How do I start a coaching practice” right on through “How do I run my coaching business day to day?” Getting started is just the beginning. Your coaching practice will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years when you discover how to attract clients instead of trying to “sell” your services! It’s All Included in the CTA Certified Coach Program! Upon registration you immediately receive your course software. Hundreds of coaches have used the Coach Training Accelerator™ to launch and sustain their careers. It is a completely self-contained coach training program we incorporate into the Certified Coach Program as another facet of our unique learning system. Use the code GIVETHANKS to save $400 on your tuition – OR – Don’t use the code and get an iPad Air!